Programme management structures

The Monitoring Committee (MC) – consisting of representatives of each participating country – supervises the implementation of the BalkanMed Programme and selects Projects to be financed. Its overall task is to ensure the quality and effectiveness of Programme implementation.

The Managing Authority (MA), assisted by the Joint Secretariat (JS), hosted by the Greek Ministry of Development and Investments, is responsible for the overall Programme implementation. The JS will be the central contact point for potential Project applicants and Project partners.

The Certifying Authority (CA), among other functions, is responsible for drawing up and submitting certified statements of expenditure and applications for payment to the Commission and receiving payments from the Commission. The CA shall use the payments received from the Commission to reimburse the Lead Partners.

The Audit Authority (AA) ensures that audits are carried out on the management and control systems, on an appropriate sample of operations and on the annual accounts. The AA will be assisted by a Group of Auditors (GoA) comprising of representatives from responsible bodies of each Partner State.
First Level Controllers (FLCs) are designated by each Partner State to ensure the compliance of expenditure incurred by project partners on national level with Community and national rules, by carrying out appropriate verifications, covering administrative, financial, technical and physical aspects of operations. Controllers shall be nominated in line with the national provisions of each Partner State. Each country participating in the BalkanMed Programme is responsible for verifications carried out on its territory.

National Contact Points (NCPs)  are set up by each participating country to complement transnational activities of the MA and the JS by involving stakeholders from the national level. NCPs hold the BalkanMed’s coordination role on the territory of the participating countries.

The  Lead Partners (LP) located in one of the BalkanMed Partner States are designated by all the beneficiaries participating in a Project to assume responsibility for ensuring implementation of the entire Project (including the arrangements for recovering amounts unduly paid); furthermore for ensuring that the expenditure presented by other beneficiaries has been incurred and corresponds to the activities agreed between all the beneficiaries, that it has been verified by a controller, and that the other beneficiaries receive the total amount of the contribution from the EU funds.