Balkan Forum

Dec 18, 2019

The Ministry Of Interior (Sector Macedonia & Thrace), in cooperation with the Managing Authority of INTERREG programmes are organising the 2nd Balkan Forum in Thessaloniki in Emilios Riadis Hall, on 27th and 28th March 2020
Main objectives of the event are : 
Discussion and detailed examination of the necessary infrastructures and networks whose implementation should be promoted by priority, as well as a placement of potential funding schemes.

Assessment of the spatial impacts of the proposed infrastructures and networks on the promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation on a national and Interbalkan level.

Discussion and finding of mechanisms to mobilize and make use of business and technological potential in the maturity and implementation of the under planning infrastructures and networks.

Promotion of the necessary business and technological networking and collaborations on a Balkan level.

You can find below a draft agenda of the event.

